But you'll need to act fast...deadline this year is April 22

I wanted to give folks a heads-up for the impending deadline (April 22, 2024) for the Metro Vancouver Regional Cultural Project Grants Program, for those of you who might be interested/eligible (key tips on projects they funds starts at the 10:34 mark in the video).
Metro Vancouver held an information session back on April 3 regarding the program, and I highly recommend watching the video recording, for important info on what & how the program funds.
Key Things to Know:
Application deadline is April 22, 2024 at 4pm PST. Notification will be by August (so planned projects should get underway after August);
Applicants must be based within the Metro Vancouver region;
They only fund (region serving/impacting) projects, not operating related expenses;
Their funding is fairly limited, - you can apply for up to $10,000, but they usually fund up to max of $5000 & they prefer demonstration of other funding sources for your project.