Changes to this year's Community Program Grant guidelines...
Yes, folks….hard to believe but the best time of the year in our granting world is here again…time to apply for your annual BC Community Gaming Program Grant!
Judging by how many of you fine folks ask for my help to complete your Gaming applications every year, I think that the poor little dependable Community Gaming Grant can be a challenge for many of us in the arts and cultural sector.
So…I am here to help you out, and hopefully reduce any pain and suffering from your Gaming application process this year.
Application Form Worksheet: I have created an application worksheet for your download/use (based on the new online form), to the best of my ability. Disclaimer: the form has MANY 'dependent' questions (as in, you get different questions depending on how you answer in various areas) - hopefully I successfully explored/included them all, but it makes for a complex application, so please read through it carefully & check your own online form specifics for accuracy:
I have completed a review of the new 2025 program guidelines document (released on Jan 24), comparing it against the 2024 guidelines, to note any and all changes for this year. I have highlighted the document with the primary changes throughout - downloadable here:
Highlights of some of the more substantive changes this year include:
Renewed Funding applications are NOT available in 2025 (Gaming does not state the reason for this requirement this year, but I am assuming it has something to do with them migrating to a new online portal system? I am also assuming that means that ALL applicants will need to submit a Regular (long form) application this year)
As part of the move to the new online portal system, NEW applicants will be required to complete a Direct Deposit Application form for future Gaming grant deposits (this new method replaces the previous requirement for a void cheque). Returning applicants (those that received a grant in 2024-25 year) will have their current banking information transferred over to the new system (I interpret this to mean that they will not be required to fill out this form);
A definition of what constitutes a “program” of activity; as well as a definition of what they now term as “program equals organization” (i.e. one program that is equal to the entire operation of the organization) & the requirements under which an organization can apply under this new “program equals organization” designation;
Some further refinement of wording/details of what constitutes “ineligible” programming activities;
Removal the statement that allows an additional two weeks to email in supporting documents (I interpret this to mean that all application documents need to be submitted at the time of application)
The addition of “Arts Councils” to the program sub-sector example list
New guidelines regarding organizations who may wish to amalgamate with another organization.
NOTE: The Community Gaming Grant Branch is hosting a "How To Apply" webinar (Tuesday, Feb 4, 2-3:30 pm) to discuss program eligibility, walk through the new application process and answer any questions that applicants may have.
“There have been changes to our online application and application process this year. Join our webinar to learn more about how to use a Business BCeID or Basic BCeID to access the application, changes to our guidelines and how to use the new tools embedded in the application.”
Key Things to Know about Gaming Community Grants:
Grant applications can be submitted any time between February 1 and April 30, 2025 for Arts & Cultural organizations (and unlike other funders, Gaming assesses applications as they come in…meaning the earlier you apply, the earlier you get your $$).
Eligible applicants must be not-for-profit (including designated Community Service Cooperatives); but are not are not required to be provincially or federally incorporated. Funding is available for organizations/groups who provide public programming/activities, from five sectors (each with its own application intake period): Arts & Culture (Feb1-Apr30), Sport (Mar1-May31), Public Safety (Jul1-Aug31), Environment (Jul1-Aug31), and Human & Social Services (Aug1-Nov 30).